Fall 2024

The Art of the Scary Movie

Please join Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina to celebrate health, wellness and lifelong learning.  The Art of The Scary Movie is part of the Blue Cross NC Live Well & Learn Series. The series is designed to help you understand your Medicare benefits, explore fascinating new topics, meet new people, and have a great time. We invite you to learn about the history of horror movies that have been thrilling audiences for as long as there has been film. What is it that makes them scary and why do we love to scare ourselves? We’ll wrap up the day with a screening of Alfred Hitchcock’s masterpiece, Psycho! 

High Point, NC – Thursday, October 24  •  11am – 3pm

The Blue Heron – 4130 Mendenhall Oaks Pkwy, High Point, NC 27265


The World of Short Film

7–9 p.m. on Mondays, September 23 – October 28, 2024
Cost $100
Location Gold Theatre, ACE Exhibition Complex(opens in new tab), UNCSA campus
Contact For more information, please call 336-817-5027

Fall 2023

“Sirens of the Silver Screen,” Reynolda House, Winston Salem

Sat. Sept 23 2-4 p.m. – “Written on the Wind”

Sat. Oct 28 2-4 p.m. – “Reckless”

Summer 2023

An Appalachian Summer Festival, Nancy Tafeen Global Film Series

June-July 2023

Through a Female Lens:  “The Blue Caftan,” “Aurora’s Sunrise,” “Alcarras,” “Girl Picture”


Fall 2022

Film appreciation series “Senior Moments,” October 3-November 7, 2022

UNCSA Gold Theatre, ACE Exhibition Complex, UNCSA campus

July 2022

“This is a podcast that I did with Lovinder Gill, a former mentee and student of mine, who taught Screenwriting at UNCSA School of Filmmaking and now has a book coming out called “Scriptcake Secrets: the Top 10 Mistakes Novice Screenwriters Make and How to Fix Them”


An Appalachian Summer Festival, The Weicholz Film Series

From a Child’s Point of View: “Playground (Un Monde),” “Belfast,” “When Pomegranates Howl,” “On the Water (Vee Peal)”

“Lunch and Learn” on 7/14 at The Tulchin Center for Visual Arts in Boone, part of the Appalachian Summer Festival:

February-March 2020

Emeritus professor Dale Pollock presented a film appreciation series entitled My Life in Hollywood.

Dale Pollock produced 12 feature films in 10 years, from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s, and is proud in some way of each of them.


May 2019

Crystal Symphony Cruise Tahiti to New Zealand: “Will Movies Survive in the 21st Century?”

 December 2018-January 2019

Azamara Journey:  Cuba and the Caribbean

November-December 2018

Sea Dream:  Lisbon to Marigot

March-April 2018

Azamara Journey: Borneo, Vietnam and Thailand

October-November 2018

UNCSA Community Film Appreciation:  “Reinventing Film Noir”

October-November 2017

UNCSA Community Film Appreciation:  “Great Films of the ’70s”

May 2017

Judge, South Davie Middle School film class

February-March 2017

Wake Forest University Lifelong Learning class:

“Black and White: Race and Image in American Film”

December 2016-January 2017

Six lectures on Indonesian-themed films during 14-day cruise to Singapore and Indonesia, including “How to Watch a Movie” and “Ethics in Film”:


Dale Ethics lecture

October-November, 2016

UNCSA Community Film Appreciation: The Coen Brothers


September-October, 2016



“Meet John Doe,” “The Candidate,” “Wag the Dog,” “Street Fight,” “Weiner.”

April 18, 2016:

Final class of “Movie Musicals,” Spring, 2016:

Coen Brothers lecture, Spring 2016


April 20, 2015

Dale interviews Robert Townsend at RiverRun Film Festival:


January 27, 2015

Video clip of Dale M. Pollock discussing Alfred Hitchcock’s Strangers on a Train at Arbor Acres, Winston Salem, North Carolina:



Dale M. Pollock offers a variety of workshops, seminars and classes, both site-specific and online. He has taught How to Watch a Movie at various venues, such as art museums, private clubs, schools and retirement communities. This seminar, along with How A Movie Gets Made, can be customized for the Intended audience and venue, such as cruises and Elderhostel. The appropriate audiovisual equipment can be provided. Dale also offers one day, weekend and week-long workshops in Creative Producing, Film Ethics, and Film History and Appreciation.

Why do you watch a movie? For entertainment? To learn? To be enlightened? To be moved or touched? To be scared?

More than 80,000 American feature films have been made. So many reasons, so many kinds of movies.

Dale has developed an interesting and informative workshop that can take place in one day, three days or five days. How to Watch a Movie allows audience members to develop a greater understanding and appreciation for the art of cinema, in much the same way someone would participate in a fine arts appreciation class, or a book club.  Dale presents either clips or an entire feature to illustrate the key elements of screenwriting, direction, cinematography, editing, production design and music in the feature film. The screenings are preceded by a lecture, and followed by a directed discussion on the film and the craft being explored.

Price Structure:

Evening Seminar – $1,500
2 hours

One-day presentation – $2,500
6 hours, with 2 breaks and lunch

Three day presentation – $5,000
2 hours each night

Six day presentation – $10,000
one feature film per night


Dale offers expert advice and knowledge about the commerciality of film scripts, projects, completed films and other media content. Services are tailored to the individual needs of the client, and should be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

Contact Dale M. Pollock about Consulting Services.